Updates Incoming!


Abatron is a multiplayer action strategy shooter. It's galactic dominance with controlled combat. First build your base and troops in Commander mode. Then jump into any unit at any time in First Person or in Third Person mode and confront your enemy head on.

Expect frequent updates as we gear up for Early Access launch. This patch aims at making it easier for new players with hotkey menus added to the game! Plus several other game breaking bugs fixed below! Keep the reports coming, they are great! [b]Release Notes .65[/b] [list] [*]dedicated servers now auto-reconnect to steam for sessions, if disconnected [*]fixed slowmotion bug when leaving minigame and starting match [*]added hotkey reference menu [*]removed cubes from test minimap, causing phyics difference between lient/server [*]stopped match vote timer from timing out while in active minigame [*]fixed client color on slow to join connection [*]fixed "Exit Delay" overwritting "Rejoin Delay" [*]fixed Colors not being released when players left lobby [*]fixed filters for CoopvsAi & FFA game mode searches [/list]