Updates: August 31st, 2024

Forever World Cup Simulator

The simulator lets you simulate 50+ tournaments, including EURO, World Cup 2026, Nations Leagues, and AFCON. Its unique "forever" feature allows simulations to run indefinitely, with 220+ national teams' attributes evolving dynamically. You can create new teams with a powerful editor.

[h2]East Asian Cup[/h2] The East Asian Cup (EAFF E-1) has been updated to include an additional preliminary playoff round, which will determine the final spot in the finals. This change aligns with the format of the upcoming real-life tournament. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45111527/336a21608fae5da7e12aabadb64ca2dcef598e5a.png[/img] [h2]New mode in match-day / calendar panel[/h2] The panel now has a [b]simple[/b] mode. [strike]The [b]detailed[/b] mode provides a match day schedule for each group round of every stage if you have used the editor to enter the data. By clicking on a specific day, you can quickly navigate to that particular stage and round. Hardcore players can use this mode to simulate matches in real-time, similar to actual events.[/strike] (Depreciated) The [b]simple[/b] mode provides a match day schedule for the first match day of each stage, making it easier for casual players to navigate through the tournament. By clicking on a specific day, you can quickly navigate to that particular stage and round. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45111527/c080e9a297aa7a04ef779075fd6b65424d484096.png[/img] The built-in match day data are very limited. To expand the data, you are required to add, remove or update all match days using the [url=https://simcups.com/competition-editor/1]competition editor[/url]. Please note that you need to enter the date as an integer in the format "20240831" without any special characters. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45111527/0868c4a3c659113aba40b68e303d04b91c73229b.png[/img] [h2]Stage-wide group round navigation[/h2] An optional stage-wide group round navigation allows you to switch all group rounds in a stage with just a single click. This feature is disabled by default but can be activated in the settings. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45111527/500b47d98c91ecab73ed3cc2840ed42828ecb092.png[/img] [h2]Adjust settings and import database easily for the Futsal World Cup[/h2] The playlist prompt that asked you to change settings for the Futsal World Cup has been removed. Instead, a setting icon will appear in the competition card on the homepage. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45111527/770042366285722c67882ad6d6d32d9d41623669.png[/img] It should provide an easier way to adjust futsal-related settings and import the futsal database without the need for a prompt. This change simplifies the process of customizing the game for the Futsal World Cup. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45111527/a4cb4d3be704149ebb1c45c10f2db56afb05977b.png[/img] [h2]Misc.[/h2] - Competition logos on the homepage will now be displayed according to the latest year, rather than randomly displayed on page change. - Added more squad photos to many futsal football teams.