Updates and optimizations

KeepUp Survival

Welcome to a world of survival on a deserted island, characterized by an incredible wildlife and abandoned structures. Immerse yourself in a game set in a natural and post-apocalyptic environment where your primary task is to survive in KeepUp Survival.

[h3]Hello KeepUp Survival Community,[/h3] Today, another extensive update has been released. As you may have noticed in the past few days, regular smaller and larger updates have been provided. This latest update includes crucial bug fixes and a revision of the Lost Island Map. The two DLC maps have also undergone minor adjustments. The Lost Island Map now features a new surface, accompanied by various optimizations to enhance the overall gaming experience. Unfortunately, there are still issues with the frame rate on the Lost Island Map. I am actively working to optimize the framerates on this particular terrain. Furthermore, various sound bugs have been addressed, and adjustments have been made to the magazine of one of the pistols to prevent it from sticking beside the weapon. The muzzle effect on the weapons has also been slightly tweaked. [h3]End of the Early Access Process[/h3] I am considering concluding the Early Access process on February 26, 2024, while development continues as usual. I chose February 26 as it marks the date when the game entered the Early Access phase. Given that KeepUp Survival is a sandbox game primarily focused on base building and survival, we can confidently exit the Early Access process. The concept of sandbox gameplay should be familiar to most. After the transition, as mentioned earlier, development will proceed as usual. Additional content, including the free map, will continue to be added. [b]Issues after an Update?[/b] Please note that you should only proceed with the following steps if you are familiar with the process, as each individual is responsible for their own actions. [code]Delete this folder once: Config This is located here: C:\Users\PC_NAME\AppData\Local\KeepUpSurvival\Saved\Config[/code] This action will remove and regenerate all settings and entries of the game. Additionally, we recommend clearing the Steam cache and performing a repair on the game. [b]Top Games[/b] [hr][/hr] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2218460/Bunny_Guys/ [list] [*] [b]Discord[/b] [/list][hr][/hr] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39690137/959789c195eb5d0286cee53b3d523a97733d11a0.png[/img] In Discord you have the possibility to follow the development and ask questions. https://discord.gg/8zyKXj9SDr [h3]Follow me on social media![/h3] [hr][/hr] - [url=https://www.twitch.tv/flitzpiepeoo]Twitch[/url] - [url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxCCohvCAKiskQSrduGVPvg?sub_confirmation=1]YouTube[/url] - [url=https://discord.gg/8zyKXj9SDr]Discord[/url] - [url=https://twitter.com/Flitzpiepe_o0]Twitter[/url] - [url=https://store.steampowered.com/curator/40590839]Steam Franchise[/url] - [url=https://www.facebook.com/KeepUpSurvival]Facebook[/url]