Chambers of Devious Design

Chambers of Devious Design is a tactical "battle puzzle" game, where you are tasked with designing an evil lair for an evil mastermind. But watch out! You are not the only one looking to gain favor with the boss. Come up with creative designs and sabotage your competitors!

[h1]Patch 1.1[/h1] [h2]NEW:[/h2] -Added option for faster turns, which can be toggled on in the options. This mode will automatically skip dialogue and speed up some of the animations. -Added possibility to hide the end panel & look at the board after game has ended. -Added button to quickly reset the match. -Added button to quickly reset custom game settings. -Adjusted campaign singleplayer maps to be slightly easier on Hard & Master difficulties. [h2]FIXES:[/h2] -Fixed a bug that prevented from "Complete all campaigns" achievements from triggering. If you are eligible, you can claim these missing achievements by completing any character's campaign. -Fixed a bug that prevented "Destroy 3 rooms with one dynamite room" achievement from triggering. -Fixed a bug that prevented "Destroy a room with a cannonball from really far away" achievement from triggering and made it easier to achieve. -Fixed a bug that in specific situations made red rooms activate all their neighbors. -Fixed a bug that caused the match to softlock if too many red rooms were activating at once. -The game will no longer crash if it cannot open save files (if f.ex. they are being scanned by an antivirus software). -Small localization fixes. -Small visual improvements to texts.