Updated to 1.7.1

Mortal Glory

Mortal Glory is a fantasy-themed tactical roguelike game about recruiting a team of gladiators and pitting them against brutal competition in a blood-soaked tournament. Train your gladiators, find a legendary sword, learn ancient spells, recruit a celebrity, cheat - do whatever it takes to bring glory to your name!

[h2]Adjustments:[/h2] -Made it much less likely for lowest rank enemies to have 4 skills or 4 perks. -Reduced the maximum amount of Dodge chance to 60%. -Reduced Ethereal buff bonus dodge to 60%. -Reduced the availability of Critical chance and Dodge chance from items. -DLC: Increased Career Mode event chance from 33% to 40%. -DLC: Legendary bows now have custom names in English. [h2]Fixes:[/h2] -Clarified visualization in character tooltip to emphasize that the debuff from dodging affects the dodge chance (and not nearby stats). -Clarified the description of Icarus skills -Fixes to French translations -DLC: Fixed an issue where Career Mode Prestige Level didn't properly start from 1 if player profile file didn't exist before. -DLC: Fixed a bug where restoring mana didn't properly enable spells for use on the same turn. -DLC: Clarified the description of Contagion (Special Rule). -DLC: Fixed a bug where all new races showed up as minotaur in Hall of Fame. -DLC: Fixed a bug where in a rare case the Hall of Fame would show a text indicating it was empty even if it wasn't.