Updated on September 16, 2022

封神榜 伏魔三太子(重制版)

经典FC游戏全新引擎重制,色彩艳丽的画面,简单易上手的操作 ,中国古代神话封神榜经典再现 ,正统RPG风格,全新回合时间制战斗系统 ,新增四个隐藏强力角色,拥有强力法术与必杀 ,全新制作的剧情与对话,既不失原作韵味,又丰富人物的性格,超多隐藏要素,寻宝、探索、隐藏剧情、稀有道具、挑战强力BOSS……应有尽有,仿暗黑2装备颜色系统,根据颜色区分极品装备,沉浸式游戏体验,根据玩家玩法不同,游戏时间至少30-50小时以上……

1. The root of the world tree Alisa increased the maximum life from 1000 points to 5000 points. 2. In the open hanging mode, add powerful open hanging props, and use them to obtain the effect of [Invincible Team, Penetrating Walls, and 500 skill points for all members]. 3. At the beginning of the game, the road leading to Alubi Studio was opened at the top right of Chentang Pass.