Updated: 50000+ International Matches in Quick Matches Section

[h1]Quick Matches[/h1] The Quick Matches section has been substantially expanded to encompass thousands of international matches spanning back to the 1870s. You can now access almost the entire match record of 200+ national teams, including England, Brazil, and Italy, throughout the entire history of international football. All match records are sourced from [url=https://www.eloratings.net/]World Football Elo Ratings[/url], [url=https://www.international-football.net/]International Football[/url], and [url=https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/martj42/international-football-results-from-1872-to-2017]International football results from 1872 to 2024[/url]. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45111527/4c2275542442202a5bb29adb46cf28dcf3c97d45.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45111527/cab886d90c1fe65b94c03a9405b4e7dab0e69f92.png[/img] This comprehensive historical data will prove invaluable for this simulator and will be useful for future feature expansions. [h2]Date filtering[/h2] The range date filter has been replaced with a simple minimum-date filter. You can directly enter the minimum date in the input box to filter matches without the need for the interactive calendar. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45111527/e0c740749b204300bb3099c27be143e78fc74c89.png[/img] [b]Make sure your version is up to version 250119, as the latest version has resolved [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/3105680/announcements/detail/515199484641149122]a seeding error[/url] affecting all knockout tournaments.[/b] [h2]Referees[/h2] Referees with a lower reputation are less likely to be selected to officiate matches, which should help reduce the occurrence of goal-robbing incidents. Web version: https://simcups.com Quick Matches section: https://simcups.com/quick-matches/2025?maxDate=2025-01-31&minDate=2025-01-01&page=1