Update: Version 1.8

Stars And Empires - Colony Defense

An RTS/Action 3rd person shooter that will eventually let players take part in many scenarios solo or in a team of up to 4 and defend their base against waves of unknown threats of all kinds. Use strategy, unique abilities, tech research and combat skills to hold off any invaders.

+Updated/Balanced harvest drones pulling way too many resources at once which caused performance hits and potential crashes. Now harvests 1 resource at a time. Should help with better balance and performance. +Fixed all audio/sounds/music to respect the volume controls. Some sounds were not respecting volume controls before. +Fixed a broken discord invite link in main escape menu. +Updated tech research window to stay focused while having a text box search term each update or purchase on the same page. (prevents the page from resetting) +Weather balanced a bit. Getting bad weather will decrease the length it will last with the new max being about 4 minutes instead of 10 minutes. Passive weather can still last a max of 10 minutes. All weather cycles will last at least 3 minutes either way though. +Fixed harvest drone bug where it wasn't harvesting the correct amount if the health of the harvest node dropped below 0. Now accurate. +Adjusted Z hotkey that swaps modes to auto remove tech window upon pressing for convenience. +Trying a different ui method to fix the loading of the game after a victory screen. This is a work in progress but may be fixed in this patch. Requires further testing. +Added new hotkey "V" which will go to a factory if you have one similar to how the commander button works with auto moving the camera in design mode.