ver 1.2.0 - Ship and Shipwreck
- Game Over Mechanism Removed
- Challenge Rewards Revamped and Data Reset
- Special Effects for Each Reactor and Skin
With the removal of the game over mechanism, the rewards have been revamped. While existing data has been reset, greater rewards are provided along with easier difficulty. The reactor storage UI has also been improved. When purchasing and using reactor skins, beneficial effects are granted.
- Music Path System Overhauled
- Track Creation UI and Additional PRD, BPM Auto-Setting
Now you can handle all steps of creating tracks within the game. The music path no longer uses the existing Music folder and simply loads music files within the track.
- Reverted Vizet Movements
- Cursor Removed
- Challenge Mode Difficulty Rolled Back to First Version and Changed to Nostalgia Mode (Playable in Sandbox)
- Added Line Creation and Deletion Functions to Editor Mode
- In-Game Store Removed
# Patch Direction
We aim to add reactors and skins to provide different fun elements even with a single track and logic (e.g., collecting flower petals to earn points). We have added Silver. Although it currently has no use, Silver will be used to acquire currency in a limited way or to enhance reactors and skins.