You are a girl with a demonic heart, trapped with a group of suspicious individuals. A demonspawn arrives, setting off a chain of mysterious murders. Can you trust any of your fellow captives and find love in the chaos? Or will you fight for your life alone?
In this update, I edited a lot of lines in the existing chapters and added some more choices. Many lines have been rewritten for better flow or to better reflect the intended meaning without changing the story.
Here is a list of lines that changed meaning and new choices added:
[*] When you meet Vita, you can now clearly answer that you never "made the wrong people angry" without criticizing Vita.
[*] Added a choice to be extremely nice to Kaisar when you first meet him + a choice to tell him he should visit Raven Falls.
[*] Changed Elos's reaction to Janiya when they first meet. Instead of smiling deliriously, he questions if she is offering him water for free and appears more in thought.
[*] Fixed an error while exploring the crypt - Vita didn't always take a candle to test it, but it was being referred to later. She will now take a candle and spill wax in every choice.
[*] Rewrote and added some lines when Ran and Vita talk about the black bow in the watchtower.
[*] Changed what Leona says about Elos on Day 2 when you say that you should both watch out for him.
[*] Added a tactful option to ask Leona about Ran on Day 2. Leona clarifies that they are not together. Added another rude option to push her to say something similar, except she gets very angry.
[*] Rewrote some of Ran's lines to make it clearer that he's not attracted to Leona.
[*] Changed the wording of some of Bane's lines to make him sound more epic and less modern.