Update v1.20.0: New areas and scenery

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35464962/64fc08172ab82a9b74abf093e0ad3a070f271faf.gif[/img] This week I found some time to "flesh out" the environment we're walking in. For now it's mostly static / dumb scenery that looks pretty, but some of these things might get more of a function later on. I also added a collection of new level-blocks, with more "open" area's, just to give you some room to breath now and then. I also fixed a collection of tiny bugs and in some cases extremely RARE bugs.. which is also a warning: they are extremely hard to test, so I'm pretty sure they are fixed, but I'm not 100% sure!  So let me know if you still find yourself flung into a room behind a locked door because of a tornado, with no key to open it or escape from ! Full changes list: [list] [*]added: new level templates (making new layouts) [*]added: big scenery pieces (no function.. for now) [*]fixed: Scavenge boxes always gave copies of a single random card. Now they give proper random cards [*]fixed: keycards could be placed in "hidden-rooms" and without a bomb, you couldn't access those [*]fixed: power datacard could be placed in "hidden-rooms" (and without a bomb, couldn't access those) [*]fixed: tiny chance a tornado flings you in a locked or secret room without a key to get out. [*]fixed: few info dialogs not popping up [/list]