Update v1.041

Corrupted Commander

Take command of your troops and send them into battle or if needs be lead your troops to victory! Build offence units Tanks, Jets, Annihilators or Juggernauts Defend yourself with base turrets or choppers. Send scouts to claim more resources or neutral turrets. Or just send a nuke and finish the job!

Hello Commanders Whats new: controls and tips page: This page was added to the main menu to help new comers learn abit about the game before jumping straight into a match. Shows controls, tips and a breakdown of each unit. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33698911/41bc607249d4d58b12bfd48f088ec8d98a4c5d56.png[/img] Particles: some particles have started to be updated to help polish the game this will continue till they are right and fit the purpose. Bug fixes: keep finding those bugs guys, i wont list the fixes here unless they are very important and effect gameplay. Testing the Server: Changed the local region to the EU server so regions are not blocked but this may cause Network latency, so this is a test at the moment to see how my testers feel and hopefully performance stays the same. Celebration: When you win now you get to see a nice firework party to honour your victory :) Many thanks Mozza