Update v1.0.3

Crystal Caves HD

Return to the underground classic world of treasures and traps in the HD remake of Crystal Caves! Guide Mylo through puzzles and arcade challenges of your favorite episodes, then explore the whole new Episode loaded with all new puzzles, enemies, challenges, hazards and help Mylo get back home!

Game is out for 1 week now with [b]over 1000 players[/b] fighting for the top spot and with [b]over 80 amazing custom levels made[/b] which is more than 4 episodes of the main game together, keep them coming! ːCotcHeartː We worked hard to fix the bugs you spotted and applied some updates you asked for. [h3]FIXES[/h3] [list] [*]Mine Cart floating under specific conditions [*]Low Gravity not present on E4L01 [*]On Workshop level rate panel, default level name is used for every level [*]Story screen doesn't use volume settings [*]Falling through some platform tiles when placed in specific position [*]Centipede tail lagging behind under specific condition [*]Rocket passing through Egg when it's placed next to the wall [*]Air enemies & Spiders are ignoring hitting invisible collision [/list] [h3]UPDATES[/h3] [list] [*]Darkness in dark levels is slightly brighter with more contrast [*]Enemy sprite shading updated to match the original game [*]Workshop level browser improved - You can browse through more than 50 levels now - Filter added to display levels that need more ratings - consider playing them. - Reputation info added to each map which is constructed from amount of votes, up votes and down votes. Higher the reputation, more votes (most likely positive ones) it has. Low reputation can also mean there are not many votes yet. [*]3 New tiles added to the level editor - Left & right arrows - Stone platform (sprite was part of the original assets but never used in game) [/list] [h3]SILENT UPDATES & FIXES[/h3] Small fixes & updates which are done between versions. [list] [*]Fixed statistic screen that was showing wrong amount of gems for Episode 4 [*]Some achievements goal amount & description don't match [/list] You can always see a [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1330890/discussions/0/5262978521351511921/]full change log[/url] here for the past updates. If you have a bug to report, please do it here in the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1330890/discussions/1/]Bug Reports section[/url]. Some bugs take time to fix but we are doing out best! Have fun!