Update v0.92

Dungeons of Voidria

Gather loot, unearth secrets and defeat enemies as you explore the shifting Dungeons of Voidria and retrieve fragments to restore the shattered Heart of the void.

Hello everyone, Below are the patch notes for this update. This update adds many new skills and trinkets that help synergise with existing mechanics, as well as making more builds viable! Several parts of the game have also been reworked/rebalanced. The next update will rework the Challenge Options (to give more incentive in activating it) and finalise the Lobby progression. Stay tuned! Thanks for playing as always, Toblue [url=https://discord.gg/ya2Xa22xd8][img]https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/38193299/1fb8eba088c5d13a5a9450afc88ebac29eb1afb5.png[/img][/url] - [b]v0.92 Patch notes[/b] Note: Quicksaves will likely not be compatible with this update, so finish any unfinished runs first! [b]New Additions and Changes[/b] [list] [*] Added a new level to the Heart [*] Added a [b]new Lobby NPC[/b]! This NPC gives information on all achievements and corresponding unlocks [*] Added [b]12 new achievements[/b]. Each achievement unlocks something in game. Previous achievements: "Defeat all bosses" and "High scorer" now unlocks something [*] Added [b]44 new skills[/b]: 17 Red, 4 Purple, 12 Blue, 3 Strike, 8 Late Game. (3 unlocked by achievement) [*] Added [b]42 new trinkets[/b]: 17 Common, 8 Uncommon, 13 Rare , 4 Cursed. (9 unlocked by achievements) [*] Added [b]2 new slates[/b] (both unlocked by achievement) [*] [b]Reworked Secret Rooms[/b]. Cursed chests can occasionally appear in secret rooms [*] Minor improvements to hazard tile generation. Hazard tiles can generate more erratically in closed rooms [*] "Random Trinket" option from Boosters (the purple fires that spawn on floor 4 and 7) is replaced with "Chest" that spawns a chest in room instead [*] Luck now affects Boosters. Luck can affect the number of Boosters spawned, and number of boosts in each Booster. Boosters affected by luck positively will have green text and red for negative luck [*] Improved object spawning. If room is full, spawned gold and keys will be directly added to player's inventory instead. If room is almost full, spawned objects are much less likely to fail [*] Void Potions now spawn on 2nd and 3rd floor of each area. These Void Potions are locked and require a key to obtain. Shops no longer sell Void Potions, except on Floor 10. Special shops can still sell Void Potions. Reasoning: For newer players, they might not be willing to save/spend the gold for Void Potions and this often puts their SV lower, thus making battles longer and more difficult. For players that understand the importance of boosting SV, they may feel "forced" to spend their gold on Void Potions, thus removing their choices when it comes to buying other shop items. This change hopes to remedy both of these problems [*] [b]Thorns reworked[/b] to: "Reflect 3 damage per stack to the attacker when you are hit by damaging skills (even if damage is negated). Reflect double damage if damaging skill is Overloaded." [*] Reworked all effects that inflict Thorns [*] Added a [b]new skill package: Thorns[/b]. This package contains skills that relate to Thorns, but Thorns trinkets are considered generic and can always appear [/list] [b]Other Changes[/b] [list] [*] The Caster's starting HP increased from 55 to 60 [*] The Brawler now heals 1 HP on battle end [*] The Shopkeeper now starts with 2x Stock List, starting gold increased from 20 to 25 [*] The Voidling's starting HP increased from 50 to 55, SV increased from 7-8 to 8-8 [*] Some shop items have their prices increased slightly [*] Hidden items can sometimes be Void Potions [*] Secret rooms can very rarely spawn Void Potions [*] Floor 1 enemies' stun reduced ever so slightly [*] Obliterated enemies has a chance to drop extra loot [*] Poison damage on enemies lowered by 1 [*] Game will now save skill packages picked in your previous run and try to pick different packages for your new run to encourage diversity [*] Using slates will auto-close inventory first, for better visual clarity [*] Now that there are more trinkets that synergise with Defending, Defend Fortified reverted from 60% to 50% [*] Trinket sprite improvements [*] Minor improvements [/list] [b]Skill Balancing[/b] [list] [*] Some "Once per battle" skills now have "uses per battle" instead [*] Snatch cost increased from 2 to 3, damage increased [*] Lightning Bolt reworked [*] Gear Second health cost lowered by 2, Strengthened increased from 10% to 15% [*] Late game skills can start appearing from floor 5 (10% chance + 15% per floor after floor 5), overall spawn chance reduced, no longer guaranteed to spawn on floor 10 [*] Twister reworked to feel more intuitive to use [/list] [b]Trinket Balancing[/b] [list] [*] Trap Converter rarity reverted to uncommon, uses revert to 5 [*] Totem Pole healing increased from 2 to 3 [*] Bonsai Tree trigger threshold increased from 12 to 14 [*] Siphoning Orb is now uncommon [*] Mana Gem effect changed to "After defending, gain 5 mana." [/list] [b]Other Balancing[/b] [list] [*] Item: Rage Potion self damage reduced from 6 to 4 [*] Spell: Deplete effect changed to "The next skill you queue costs 2 AP, but is Once per battle" [*] Spell: Override cost lowered from 16 to 14 [*] Enemy Passive: Restricter inflicts Restrict for 3 turns, up from 1 [*] Enemy Passive: Silencer inflicts Silence for 2 turns, up from 1 [*] Enemy Passive: Retaliate damage trigger threshold increased [*] Enemy skills that heal will now state value healed when hovered over [*] Enemy skill: All Must End no longer removes a random buff from player, damage increased slightly [*] Enemy: Fairy no longer flees on turn 1, stun reduced slightly, stat scaling increased [*] Improved Enemy Passive: Metamorphosis statuses [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed bug with Skill: Impending Burst's Exhaust not setting cast counter to 3 [*] Spell: Delay should now correctly set your AP to 1 [*] Fixed bug with incorrect synergy skills combining [*] Deflect trap should now give Deflect for the correct number of turns [*] Active Trinkets that gain/inflict statuses will now update damage forecast [*] Fixed bug with a variable not saving correctly [*] Fixed bug with trinkets obtained from interactable structures not saving for compendium [*] Selling box should no longer appear in blood shops [*] Fixed bug with enemy passive: Retaliate triggering incorrectly [*] Fixed bug with skill's cast counter being reset to 0 on reset action [*] Fixed bug with Spell: Override not working correctly for skills with Opener and Finisher Keywords [*] Fixed bug with crafted potions not having a sell value [*] Fixed bug with Synergy skills not being recorded in compendium [*] Fixed bug with Toxic not stacking properly [*] Fixed minor visual bugs and typos [/list] Known bug: Skill buttons in battle are not showing. This bug seems to appear after playing multiple runs, and happens on the first battle of a new run. I've put in some debug lines to help identify the cause of this problem, so if it happens, please send me your log file. You can work around this bug for the time being by returning to lobby (highly likely to fix), or re-launching the game (always fixes). Thanks as always! <3