UPDATE v0.10.2 - Under The Sea


A pure hidden object game with lovely detailed artwork hand-drawn by JujiBla. Accompany our heroes Nita and Snek on their journey through the land, explore strange places and discover magical things.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31524592/fb37851686f0e7fd7459751778ba8076d12f96a7.png[/img] Hello juventurers, the newest adventure takes our heroes and you down into the darkest depths of the sea. What awaits our heroes down there? Fishies? Some Unknown and bizarre creatures? Treasures? Or maybe... Monsters??? All of the above? There is only ONE way to find out, isnโ€™t there? Grab your diving suit and go deeper! The changelog hasnโ€™t changed so much since last time, but here is it anyway: [list] [*] v0.10.2 - Steam Update [*] Under The Sea #133 [*] fixing Rock Shelter plant white border #142 [*] fixing typo in Rock Shelter [/list] - JujiBla