update v0.0.1

Edessa: School of Wizardry

Cast your spells with Edessa's unique spellcasting. Destroy the demons that have plagued the earth. Witness how Göbeklitepe shaped the history. Let the mythical creatures lead your way. Solve the puzzles and find what destiny has in store for you.

Edessa: School of Wizardry gets its first update! In this update we've added the following: [h2][b]ACHIEVEMENTS[/b][/h2] Now you can get up to six different achievements from playing Edessa: School of Wizardry. These are as follows: [list] [*] [i]Hidden[/i] [*] [i]Hidden[/i] [*] Rock To Pebbles [*] House Cleaning [*] De-evilization [*] [i]Hidden[/i] [/list] You will need to find the '[i]Hidden[/i]' achievements by yourself! [h2][b]BUG FIXES[/b][/h2] [list] [*] A bug where traps can be seen where they were not supposed to be seen has been fixed. [/list]