Phantasma VR Director's Cut

Phantasma Director's Cut is the new improved version featuring easier puzzles, a new ending and a strong narrative where you step into the shoes of a deranged mind searching for the truth about a conspiracy involving a TV Show hosted by an annoying Bunny called Flappy.

FRom tHe MakER Of SteAMDollS VR CoMeS a PuzzLE/hoRRoR/EsCAPe RooM GAMe wITH a StRoNG NARRatIVe ThaT WiLL ShaTTer YouR Mind AND MakE YoU FEeL SmaRTeR ThAN YoU ALReadY ARE. GuESS WHAt ? It'S EvEN BEttER NoW WIth "thE GOoD BuNNY UpdaTE" As ThE GaME iS NoW PaCKeD WiTh aN HInT SyStem AnD SeVERal ImPROVEMENts THaT WiLL EaSE yOur WaY DoWn THe RAbbIT hoLE. JoiN YoUr BuDdy BuNNies ! ThEy ALL EaT CaRRotS DOwN HerE ! bE a GOOd BuNNy bE a GOOd BuNNy bE a GOOd BuNNy bE a GOOd BuNNy bE a GOOd BuNNy bE a GOOd BuNNy bE a GOOd BuNNy aNd pLaY PhANTAsmA VR ^^