Aw Heck, WAR!

A Single-Player Indie VR shooter sandbox war game

[h1]Changes[/h1] -Heli throttle is now grabbable and is now far easier to control hovering -Heli landing struts now physically simulated to have some give/shock absorption so now, in combination with the new throttle, landing is far easier and softer. -Explosion shockwave camera-shakes now play when the shockwave/explosion sound arrives at your location, making the explosions more impactful. -Ground explosions graphics GREATLY improved -Placing your hand over inventory slots now shows a label for what item goes in that spot, so holstering items is now easier -Cigarette now burns and glows as you smoke; smoke graphics greatly improved -Destructible walls, small houses, and barns now require closer explosions to trigger demolition -Added destructible enemy propaganda poster -Don't think I mentioned this in the last update, but I added a destructible cell tower, one explosion to the base of the tower, and it will come down :) [h2]EXPERIMENTAL UPDATE[/h2] -There is now a test First-person mode!! To play in first person: [olist] [*] Start the game [*] Once the main menu level is loaded and you see the floor, press ENTER and wait more than 2 seconds and the battleground level will load [*] Press P to enter FPS mode [/olist] Currently, some of the bad guys just stand there but some will come after you, still working on that...