Update Theme Vote Poll!

Darkzan Arena

Challenge the greatest legends and creatures in this epic coliseum! Collect your treasures and upgrade your gears until you become number one in the entire multiverse. The game is an Arcade based on waves of enemies, each enemy has a unique behavior and a list of specific rewards.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43642847/945e3d030a4df84e090262f218b6d2e390ad4476.png[/img] Hello to all Darkzan Arena challengers! I'm excited to announce the game's first major update! A content pack chosen by you! That's right, the community will choose the next update, so get ready to decide the fate of the universe on the Nexus! ​Vote now for: Marine Terror ( Water Theme ) Scorching Steppes (Desert Theme) Titanic Clouds (Titans Theme) Shadows in the Forest (Beasts Theme) Mechanical Wonders (High Tech Theme) Contents will be decided by voting on the official Discord server, if you are not part of it yet, join us and vote until July 20, 2023 Discord server: https://discord.gg/vN6Eh4hhgJ​ Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2320400/Darkzan_Arena/ [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43642847/b8951b7e7c5f443500b6d4b4ad6d1abc6befb825.gif[/img]