Update Regarding Release

One Long Night with the Circleheads

It's the worst storm in years. You're on the run and must seek shelter in a nearby shed. Little do you know that the sphere-headed beings that inhabit it have FUNFUNFUN plans for you... Can you survive One Long Night with the Circleheads?

Hello everyone! My name is Jam J. To everyone who has wishlisted this game or is visiting this page, thank you very much. I'm happy you have all taken an interest in my game! Now, there's been a teeny tiny setback. See, I was allowed to set July 25th as the earliest intended release date from my end, but Steam is now letting me know that [b]July 29th[/b] is the actual earliest possible release date; even after I selected July 25th. :'D This was not the plan, but these things happen. As long as the game is able to come out, you know? BUT — the game IS done, it WILL come out. Just a few more extra days of waiting. [i]"Patience is a virtue" — Abraham Gandhi (probably)[/i] Stay tuned, thank you for reading! — Jam J