Update Platoons

Full Metal Sergeant

Be the drill instructor! Insult recruits with no remorse! Can you transform flabby recruits into lean war machines within 12 weeks?

New update rolled out! [h2]Platoons revamp[/h2] Bravo, Charlie and Delta platoons were not widely used and so they have been completely revised. Each now offers a unique bonus that adds a layer of strategy to the mission. [list] [*] Bravo: Can call a medevac at anytime to end the mission. [*] Charlie: Add a recruit as a reserve; they join a platoon if a comrade dies or flees. [*] Delta: A recruit can be promoted to Elite before going to mission (+Damage and always in cover). [/list] Those platoons were moved to the second tier of the skill tree. The [b]Head [/b]and [b]Kitchen [/b]locations have been moved down to the first tier. [i](The purchase of previous platoons has been reset. Prestige will be refunded and the new platoons can be bought again) [/i] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/4dSpF2TD/Fu-FRXH8-Xs-AAs-V7b.png[/img] [h2]New events[/h2] New events at the gate: [list] [*] Family Visit (season 2) [*] Sharpshooters (season 3) [*] Museum curator (season 4) [/list] [i](The Official Guide will be updated in the next few days).[/i] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/FsNpw8tS/Full-Metal-Sergent-1.png[/img] [h2][BETA] Custom names[/h2] It's now possible to define custom names for the recruits. In the Options menu you'll find two new buttons, one for exporting the template file and the other for importing it. The template is a simple text file with all the names listed. [b]Refer to the Official Guide for the complete instructions.[/b] Rules: [list] [*] Max names 73 [*] Max name length: 12 characters [*] Only supported languages characters are allowed. [/list] [i](Please keep in mind this feature is in beta, so report any bug you'll find. ).[/i] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/ZqKzBq2R/Full-Metal-Sergent-12.png[/img] [h2]Other[/h2] [list] [*]Added a second leaderboard to keep track of missions accomplished. [*]Added a text explaining that the ungraduated recruits won't be deployed to the mission. [*]Added a text telling if no MOD has been assigned to a recruit. [*]Journalist event: Added Prestige if you choose not to give the interview. [*]Fixed a bug in which the game would crash in the Options menu if played offline. [/list]