Update/Patch 1.5

Expect The Unexpected

Expect The Unexpected is a roguelike, fast-paced, turn-based game with RPG elements. Interact with random generated maps in which you have to deal with hundreds of different events and situations. What will you be? What will you become?

[img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27109018/d815ead7a2ea524c9eda55bb8d1f67254f1473c0.gif[/img] This update adds 2 new differents classes and a major change in the 3 other classes previously available. Each class now will have his own gameplay and strategies that suits best their abilities/spells and skills. [News] - 2 New classes added, Druid and Necromancer - Major changes for all classes - Unique abilities/spells for each class - Abilities/Spells auto shortcut - New bonus icons to display skills information - Now you can select an empty weapon shortcut to empty your weapon - Added new sounds to new spells and other functions [Fixes] - Events based on reputation check for faction cloth - Correct a bug where you could save near a hostile city - Grammar correction - DEFINITELY fixed a bug that cause a Kingdom city job not be available