Update Patch

Micron Defense Force

A Roguelike Tower Defense in space with missions to conquer. Can you hold against the spreading alien bosses? Build and upgrade towers against the corruption. Choose your technologies and warpspeed your way to victory.

The third major patch of the Micron Defense Force Demo has been released! The main change of this patch V0.8.0.0 are related to the combat with new corruption abilties. [h3]Main changes[/h3] [list] [*] Corruptions now have abilities that will activate during battle [*] Mission ranks are displayed at the top so you can keep track of your score [*] The amount of stages increased from 3 to 5 [*] Tower UI updated with each tower having an element [*] New music on defeat, victory and in the menu scene [*] Tower sound effects added [*] Upgrade tower animation added [*] Corruption boss health and percentage remaining health shown [*] Damage numbers are shown [/list] [h3]Balance changes[/h3] [list] [*] Amount of technology experience required is halved. [*] Lower spawn rate of the spitter corruption subtype significantly [*] Corruption boss maximum health decreased for the first 2 stages [*] Crypto cache gold decreased to 500 from 1000 [/list] [h3]Corruption bugs squashed[/h3] [list] [*] Stage not saving after a mission won [*] Corruption overlay showing the wrong sprite when upgrading [*] Charge effect not removed from all towers when the source tower is destroyed [/list] Please provide your feedback [url=https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeLFSJPpPZrrR_kysfoRXMCosfnRXTWtYuEo4pD8K6_H1K-qQ/viewform?usp=pp_url&entry.540066234=Feed]here[/url]