Update on August 10, 2023 (bug fixes)

Enjoy the Diner

Why not enjoy the diner? The moon is as full as it'll ever be, and there's even a drink fountain.

Hi there, Thank you for playing "Enjoy the Diner". An update was released on August 10, 2023. This update fixes the following bugs. [b] 1. fixed a bug that the game did not start if the OS was in a certain language.[/b] As an example, we fixed a problem in which the game would not start if the language setting on the Windows side was French. This was due to the decimal point being written differently in some languages than in Japan or the United States. [b]2. fixed a bug in which the conditions for obtaining some Steam achievements were incorrect[/b] For a few hours at the time of release, there was a bug that when you acquired the "Possible" achievement, you could also acquire the "Accidental? was also obtained at the same time. This has been completely fixed in this update. Please continue to enjoy "Enjoy the Diner" :) Thanks!