Update - November 16th 2021

Doctor Who: The Edge of Reality

Experience an unforgettable adventure in space and time. Explore new worlds, face Daleks, Cybermen and Weeping Angels and join two Doctors on an epic quest to save the universe from an unstoppable new threat in this first-person narrative adventure.

Below is a list of the latest fixes and items to be addressed. [list] [*] Fixed an issue where players may become temporarily unable to use the Sonic Screwdriver [*] Optimization on Victorian London [*] Locked player movement during time glitches on Victorian London [*] Moved the starting position of the player on Lucia Minor and Victorian London [*] Camera sensitivity settings now effect object inspection [*] Changed the binding of arrow keys to interact with the inventory rather than move the player [*] Fixed an issue that could occur when attempting to quit to the main menu when loading into another level [*] Prevented player movement after being killed [*] Fixed an issue where the camera would return to the player perspective for a moment after being caught by any Cybermen [*] The alternative Sonic Screwdrivers will now display the correct colours when used [*] Added a resolution dialogue box on boot [*] Fixed an issue where the back of the TARDIS was not displaying correctly [*] Optimization on Lucia Minor [*] Fixed an issue where players could be caught by Cybermen during a cutscene [*] Added player footstep sounds [*] Fixed an issue where the volume would reset after a time glitch or returning to the main menu [*] Fixed an issue where the player could back out of certain interactive objects whilst maintaining the interaction [*] Fixed an issue where Emer would continue to prompt the player to pick up the torch in Lucia Minor after picking up the torch [*] Increased the delay between hint repetitions for the hint in the office [*] Fixed an issue where players could walk backwards into Angels with no consequences [/list]