Embark on an adventure to find out the reason for the appearance of monsters on Mt. Fuji. Fujisan Nobori is a game where you defeat boss monsters on each floor and ascend towards the summit. Be the first in your country to reach the summit!
Thank you for using Fujisan Nobori.
Guiding you through the update #5.
- New Map Additions
Secluded Path 2, Imperial Palace, Training Center, Sushi Restaurant
- Fuji Town Expansion
The old Training Center has been renamed to Imperial Palace and relocated to the center of Fuji Town.
- New Quests Added
Sushi Restaurant
- New Item Added
- Item/Game Currency Acquisition Effects Added
- Language Selection Method Improved(Steam)
Now follows the standard method.
No longer selected through the BETA menu.
- Improvements to Certain Maps
- Enhancements to Some Translations
I will try even harder.
Thank you.