Update notes for verson 1.2.11

City of Gangsters

In this management tycoon game, you’ll start a criminal operation from nothing and grow it into a well-oiled money machine! Build speakeasies and illegal distilleries. Manage production chains and resource distribution. Leverage favors, chase down debtors, and bribe the police to look the other way.

[list] [*] Crew and delivery reordering using click-and-drop: [olist] [*] In the right-hand side crew dialog, click the "reorder" button to change ordering of crew/building/vehicle/delivery cards in each section. [*] Delivery step reordering works the same way as well. [/olist] [*] Bug fix: Not enough beer keg consumption in Cincinnati, Detroit and Atlantic City [*] Bug fix: Crew dialog header text didn't refresh when switching languages [*] Upgraded Unity engine to 2020.3 LTS [/list]