Update notes for version 1.1.5

Ignis Corruption

In this Procedural City-Building and Survival game, you must manage your resources, expand your village, assemble an army and destroy the source of evil, which changed the entire eco system of a land that was once prosperous and peaceful.

Hi all, Update based on community feedback. [list] [*] 🛠️ Adjusted the hunting house tooltip, which was previously requesting a villager worker instead of a warrior. [*] 🐛 Fixed bug that disabled camera controls after a few days of gameplay. [*] 🐛 Fixed bug that added food only for the first unit that interacted with the farm. [*] 🎁 Added tooltip with current amount of workers on workstations. [*] 🎁 Added unit creation queue. It will now be possible to request the creation of multiple units at once. [/list] The game will continue to receive updates based on community feedback, if you have any suggestions or encounter any issues, just let me know. Many thanks to everyone who contributed by reporting bugs and suggesting improvements. Thanks.