Update notes for version 1.1.0

Ignis Corruption

In this Procedural City-Building and Survival game, you must manage your resources, expand your village, assemble an army and destroy the source of evil, which changed the entire eco system of a land that was once prosperous and peaceful.

Hi all, Update focusing on the main issues reported by the community. Thanks to everyone who helped identify these issues. [list] [*]🛠 Adjusted minimum amount of units to use formations [*]🛠 Adjusted farm collision making it difficult to target enemies [*]🛠 Updated tutorial [*]🛠 Improved units AI [*]🎁 Added automatic resource gathering behavior for units [*]🎁 Added behavior of automatically attacking enemies [*]🎁 Added behavior of asking nearby units for help when taking damage from an enemy [/list] Known issues: [list] [*]🐛 When a building is destroyed outside the camera's view, no wreckage is generated. [/list] The game will continue to receive updates with new content and fixes, so if you find any issues, feel free to report them. Thanks.