Update notes for v1.2.9

Ignis Corruption

In this Procedural City-Building and Survival game, you must manage your resources, expand your village, assemble an army and destroy the source of evil, which changed the entire eco system of a land that was once prosperous and peaceful.

Hi all, Small update based on community feedback. [list] [*] 🛠️ Fixed main menu background art for 21:9 and 32:9 aspect ratios [*] 🛠️ Adjusted targeting accuracy of unit shots [*] 🛠️ Changed damage particle and building destruction [*] 🛠️ Changed scene button text to show click action result [*] 🎁 Added support to go back from menu using ESC button [*] 🎁 Added option in settings to adjust camera vertical movement speed [*] 🎁 Added instructions for the quest to provide resources to other villages [*] 🎁 Added proximity search behavior for workstations [*] 🎁 Added drop animation when collecting resources [/list] The game will continue to receive updates based on community feedback, if you have any suggestions or encounter any issues, just let me know. Thanks.