UPDATE: New FEATURES and bug fixes!

Zen Chess: Mate in Three

Zen Chess: Mate in Three is a minimalist chess puzzle game. Solve mate-in-three problems in a beautifully designed chess board.

Hi all! Thanks for being so supportive with the Zen Chess series. We have some good news to share today! So here it goes: New features: [list] [*] Windowed mode added (now you can choose between fullscreen mode and windowed mode); [*] Separate controls for music and sounds; [*] Improvements on how the player select/unselect pieces; [/list] Bug Fixes: [list] [*] Substitution of some levels that allowed for multiple solutions. Now every level has only one possible solution; [*] Solved the problem of "persistent pieces", where a piece from a level would become visible in the next level. This bug is now fixed; [/list] Thanks everyone for all the support!