Update / New Achievements [Road to OutDrive 2]


Put the pedal to the metal or your girl will die! Experience the atmosphere of the world inspired by 80s with their neon lights, VHS tapes and synth pop. Buckle up! Gaming experiment in genre of music runner - not a game, aesthetic concept.

Hi outDrivers! [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/12050491/41691c5e3cf191cc1e1ed76956a9642fcbeec8ea.jpg[/img] [*] Add retro stylesed letters achievements for customizing Steam profile! (use achievements showcase) after players from forum requested. [*]Custom music support, and music player remix. OGG & WAW formats support only, mp3 support work in progress, and be add later. (maybe with youtube) [*]Add options menu. (Steam Cloud support) Can disbable "Boss Helicopter" and change Realtime Reflections (just disable reflections if you need see visuals looks like old builds) [*]Re-balance "Overheat" - engine overheats longer, but do not be tempted to go at high speed - you lose control and the girl will suffer... Now collisions increase overheating. [*]Add new road-chunks with wide borders, now you can drive off the road on neon earth. Thath road-chunks have big blue arrows at the entrance and exit. [i](Experemental, please write your opinions on the forum.)[/i] [*]Add localisations, for now interface only. [EN] [RU] [CN] Subtitles and new languages will be added in the future. Community support is possible to add new languages (localization source codes will be published which you can translate and offer your language on the forum) [*]Minor changes steering of the car. EXPEREMENTAL. [i](Experemental, please write your opinions on the forum. The game can be updated without notice to test the changes in the settings of steering.)[/i] [*] Minor bugfixes. [strike]but, it seems there are still new ones. >_>[/strike] [*] Camera bufix. [*] Gamepad support upd. Junt use Xbox-like gamepads. SOON: [*]Music OST - THE FOREIGN (All the money from album sales goes directly to the authors of the music!) [*]Wallpapers & Poster DLC. 5K, ready to print. [*] Memory optimization (fix freezes) [*] New languages. [*] [i]And a careful study of feedback and suggestions.[/i] OUTDRIVE 2 work in progress. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/12050491/28602886c6503f1b378e2ef8728991fe634b5128.jpg[/img] One of the options for the concept of "Gloria" in OutDrive 2 [i](Attention! The SEGA logo is used only on concept art as a detail showing the character of the character and the era)[/i] Completed stage of the search concept, fully accounted for all the reviews to the first OutDrive. ....and OutDrive 2 will have a very big emphasis on the plot, including non-racing missions, where you can walk the you character and protect Gloria, remembering your past before the events of the OutDrive intro. All the money from the first OutDrive of the sales goes to the development of the OutDrive 2. PS. [url=https://coub.com/view/5j2m6] NEVER BE GAMEOVER![/url]