When reports of kidnappings and strange incidents begin to break out across Tokyo, Hinowa Academy's very own Xth Squad is dispatched to investigate and neutralize the imminent danger. Loyalties will be questioned and secrets will be exposed as they desperately search for the truth!
Hello everyone,
First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for giving us feedback for Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy. We'd like to continue to keep our ears and eyes open so we can take in as much feedback as we can from everyone.
Now for our announcement...
We have noticed that the Beta branches that we have uploaded have fixed many of the issues that were causing issues for our users.
We have changed that build to be the new default branch of the game so everyone will be able to access that now! (Though technically everyone had access to the beta...) Anyway! Replacing the previous beta branch will be a new beta branch with even more fixes!
This is accessible here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/541450/discussions/0/133260909500010054/
If anyone still runs into any issues please let us know in our forums and we will try to fix them as soon as possible.
Again, we can't thank you for all your support, dood!
Prinny Toshi
まず最初に、Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacyに関してのフィードバックを頂き誠にありがとうございます。NISAは皆様とのコミュニケーションをとても大事だと考えておりますので、とても感謝しております。