Update - Major Improvements

Matt's Project Zombies: Open World

Take place on a Deserted Island in the middle of the ocean with very few landmarks left in sight being overrun with the Undead. Face an intense open world while you Craft equipment, Craft shelter and out-smart wildlife, bandits, and online players all while trying to survive!

- fixes to the map - fixes to the player - new inventory system - zombies now move and roam around the map - first and third person updated - new character model - new zombie models - new player and zombie animations - new supply drops and lootable supply drops - new fixes to netcode - you can now host servers in SINGLEPLAYER or STEAM ONLINE for others to join or play solo - SAVE GAME SYSTEM WORKS you can save or load a game now - menu settings fixed all options WORK and much more that cannot be covered here check out the new update!