Update: Japanese, English Font Optimization


"WELCOME TO NEW KOZA" It's the end of the 20th century, on a historic timeline different from that which we know. A manmade island off the coast of Okinawa is humming with a dirty, exotic vibe - and it's awesome!

Dear Fans, Thank you for playing Orangeblood. This message is to inform you that a new update has gone live. The following changes have been made in this patch. [list] [*]Optimized Japanese and English fonts. [/list] Again, thank you for your continued support. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35140584/b5ba4a82c87c1826d4c4105b924ab6f2094f25b1.jpg[/img] We would like to take this opportunity to thank “checkpoint (Period)” font creator [url=http://marusexijaxs.web.fc2.com/]マルセ様[/url] and also [url=https://twitter.com/hicchicc]患者長ひっく様[/url] for their work on optimizing the font for Orangeblood! Thank you for your great work!