Update Information【 Ver 0.1.02】

Ketchup and Mayonnaise

Frenetic, chaotic battles! A dynamic duo, who are the best of friends, come out swinging in this pretty absurd RPG!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41884488/038666c211b5f0d916cf29f3f7450820d643f35d.png[/img] Hi, everybody! This is Waku Waku Games. We have released a mini-update: The main items updated as as follows: /[b] Update Information[/b] has been added to the title screen. This can be viewed with cleared saved data and allows the user to check the game's updates to date. / Saved data switching and overwriting of other data have been implemented. Up to 30 saved data can now be saved and switched. Please see "Update Information" for details on how to switch saved data. / The first half of the "ultimate mode," a high difficulty mode, has been implemented. It is a challenging mode with a fairly high difficulty level. / Two new BGM songs have been added and replaced. The BGM for shopping in the store and the BGM for the events in which Nyagosuke appears have been changed. Please enjoy! / Two new cheat codes have been implemented. / When the game is cleared (after the battle against Maho), a guide will now be displayed on the title screen directing you to the update information. Please apply the update before continuing to play. By applying this update, the game version will be [ Ver 0.1.02 ]. You can see which version you're playing by looking at the bottom right of the title menu screen. Thanks!