アップデート情報 / Update Information (2015/12/17)

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Maker

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms Maker" celebrates the 30th anniversary of the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" series. It has been realized through a collaboration between the creators of the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" series, Koei Tecmo Games, and the creators of the "TSUKURU" series, KADOKAWA.

▼以下の不具合を修正しました。 ・17勢力以上存在するシナリオをプレイすると他国との同盟が正しく締結されない事がある ・「新武将登録」の「生年一括編集」で生年を変更したあとでゲームを再起動すると、変更内容が保存されていない ・「シナリオ編集」で君主の存在しない勢力を作成でき、その君主でゲームを開始すると進行不能になる ・その他、いくつかの不具合を修正 ****************************************************** The following issues have been fixed: - An alliance might not be properly entered in during playing a scenario where more than seventeen forces exist. - Changes were not updated when re-started after updating a year of birth in "Bulk Edit" of "New Officer Creation". - Being stuck when started with the lord in the scenario where there is a force which did not own a lord in "Scenario Edit".