One Late Night: Deadline continues the story of One Late Night, a horror/mystery game where you play the role of an office worker caught in the middle of the paranormal activity that has broken out in a seemingly ordinary office building. Freely explore the 5 story office complex that houses several different companies.
I am well aware that some of you have been experiencing some performance issues with the game, and I am doing the best I can to correct this in a coming update, so that you with low-range computers can also be able to enjoy the game. But please be patient, I am just a single developer and a game release can be very stressful even for a big team. I am also having my holiday break like the rest of you.
And to answer some of the less-than-friendly comments: Try to provide some constructive feedback instead, so that I can help you to enjoy the game as well.
Thank you for your patience and happy holidays!