Update coming Friday, June 28th

Height Lab

A tool to create height maps and normal maps from hand typed expressions. Save the result as an image for use in your own projects, or use them to create brushes or stamps for your favorite 2D/3D paint program.

[b]Announcement[/b] All the features planned for Height Lab, and one extra, are done and in! I hope you enjoy all of them and find them very useful. Further updates will just be of bug fixes and very minor tweaks here and there. With that said, here's that unexpected extra unplanned feature... [b]Rolling Backups[/b] Height Lab backs up projects now, at least that's what the previous version promises. However, backup files required tedious manual moving and renaming, and no one wants to do that. So, I created a new section under the Welcome dialog (see image below) that lists all those backups. Now you simply double click the backup to open it, then preview and/or restore the project from there. Profit. [b]Updates and Fixes[/b] More updates and fixes coming your way. These will all be listed in the patch notes on Friday. [b]Behold[/b] Double click to open a backup. [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/2f5508_99ac8a6c9e0948f69821547862922f3c~mv2.png[/img] [b]Beta[/b] If you'd like to see this update sooner than later, you may preview it in beta. Simply right click Height Lab in your Steam Library and select: Properties->Betas->Beta Participation->beta - public beta. This is available for paid users and for the demo. [b]Demo[/b] The demo does everything the full version does - it just includes that annoying watermark is all. If you can get past that, and you want to take Height Lab out for a spin, this is the way to go.