Update announcement v 8.1.1

LOCO music

Meet the unique simulator that allows you to learn the basics of music! With LOCO music you can learn how to play keyboards, strings and even drums!

Hello dear Loco Music students! We are very excited to announce that in 15 days (30th of June) Loco music will have MIDI keyboard support available! And this means that: [olist] [*] You will be able to start actively practicing your skills on keyboard instruments. [*] Improve your coordination skills by sight-reading and playing the instrument in parallel. [*] Be able to train each hand playing in “its own key”. [/olist] With time we will add ability to play parts with two hands, for owners of MIDI keyboard. You can leave your questions in the comments below, and we will happily answer all of them! Thank you for being with us! ------------ Kind regards, Lonch.me Team ------------ You can contact us using our email: lonchdev@gmail.com