Update 7313

Kill The Bad Guy

Track the Bad Guys, be brutal and smart in your planning, and eliminate them one by one. But bear this in mind: each criminal’s death has to look like an accident. In each level, you’ll have the chance to splatter and destroy the Bad Guy using various weapons and traps.

Hi Bad Guys, here is a KTBG update: [b]UI:[/b] - New TitleScreen - Connection Quality display as Server - No infinite time - Improving Chat readability [b]Bugfix:[/b] - Money sync - Safer pos for box & piano desabotage - Sabotage TreeMulti interactive (as the others) - People cut members synchronized - Pathfinder issues fixed (puddles, electricity & money) - Slots on GasTank - Ball's slide (for team) - Pathfinding to slots until they are activated - Thrower reset [b]InGame:[/b] - Music for multiplayer - Skins And remember, if you want to test multiplayer, send us an email on ktbg@exkee.com.