Update 7 Released

Wanted Killer VR

Choose from a team of unique heroes and use their skills to fight your way through the ranks of the evil corporation that’s trying to wipe you out. Upgrade your arsenal and use bullet-time to take out your enemies in style. Fast-paced arcade action and one-of-a-kind gunplay – this is Wanted Killer VR!

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32506335/11acaec6cbdcb7b749361fbe881fbad50b4b48ed.jpg[/img] We're happy to announce that from now on you will be able to play Wanted Killer VR in 6 new languages! Besides English, the game's UI and subtitles are now also localized into: [list] [*]German [*]Russian [*]French [*]Japanese [*]Korean [*]Simplified Chinese [/list] Apart from that, we also did a variety of optimization and clean-up changes in Warehouse, Docks and Ship for an improved performance as well as a couple of quality-of-life improvements. As always, you can find the full list here: [list] [*]Added localization for German, French, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Russian, Japanese [*]Redesigned ammo power-ups - they now give you infinite ammo for a certain duration [*]Added sound and vibration to make it more obvious when guns finished reloading [*]Hand-matching improved - in-game hands now reflect real-life hands position more accurately [*]Improved AI behavior in the Spider Mom boss fight [*]Enhanced feel of melee attacks - they now cause controller vibration and no longer produce ghosts [*]Removed screen distortion effects in level intros [*]Optimized performance in Warehouse, Docks and Ship levels [*]Re-scripted the setup paths for all levels [*]Bug fixes: [list] [*]Fixed some vibration issues on Oculus [*]Fixed level end screen (can no longer be obscured by explosions) [/list] [*]Smaller UI improvements added [/list] There you have it guys, we hope most of you will now be able to play the game in your native language. Worry not if your language is not on the list though as we are looking into adding more options in the future ːsteamhappyː Enjoy!