Update #4 Released

One Clone Left

Team up with friends to fight hordes of zombies and mutants that roam post-apocalyptic earth. Need extra lives and allies to help you fight? Just clone yourself and your weapons! Protect your fabricator to become an unstoppable force, able to take on any mutant in your sights.

[h1]Update #4[/h1] [h1]The update contains the following:[/h1] [list] [*]Added the Shield perk. It allows you to block melee and projectile attacks by using a shield. [*]The reward for the Enfo map has changed. You will now obtain an Arachnid companion that spawn every time you enter a map! The Arachnid can be used in place of the dog companion. [*]A bug in the Dungeon map that caused the game to crash was fixed. [*]Keyboard configuration not saving properly was fixed. [*]Improvements were made to the network code so you will experience even smoother gameplay. [*]Lights were added to burning units, making them more visibile in darkness. [*]Network bandwidth was reduced. [/list] [h1]Update Schedule[/h1] The update has been released on 17 January. [h1]Important note[/h1] Saved progress will be lost since this update makes changes to the saved progress file. I hope you enjoy the update :-) Regards, André