Update 4.0 Beta Update

Circuit Breakers

Talented and ferocious weapon experts needed to eliminate a dangerous mechanical menace that threatens the existence of humanity. Up to six positions available. Benefits include traveling the world to eliminate robots.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/10623897/71d1aa07ae6170e9bc8d3151e24cba075c423520.png[/img] For those of you in the Circuit Breakers 4.0 beta, we've launched an update that adds some graphical flairs and fixes, the ability to use mouse + keyboard, and a few general bug fixes. For those not currently in the beta you can use the "playinhighdef" beta code to get in! As usual, let us know if you find any problems. This isn't ready yet but we're getting close to launching it for all users. -Troy