Update 3.3

8D Character Creator

The 8D Character Creator is the ideal tool for everyone that wants to create amazing characters for video games easy and fast. Lots of options to choose from with a growing library. Every created character does come with 39 animations (26 in 8 directions). Check out the demo before you buy - now! :)

[img]https://i.ibb.co/w7M37FF/update-banner-3-3.png[/img] [h2]Fellow Character Enthusiasts,[/h2] Update 3.3 has just been released and it adds some new content to 8D: [ADDED] Wrench as mainhand weapon [ADDED] Guitar as mainhand & offhand weapon [ADDED] Rod as mainhand & offhand weapon [ADDED] Cyberpunk hair style and bangs [ADDED] Separated the head from the sprite body to allow for headless characters We also added every available item to the demo version and disabled all except one for outfits, bottoms and headwears. This way everyone can see what is included in the paid version! - cub3 (Florian)