Update 2022.1: Patch 19


UBOAT is a simulator of a submarine from WWII era. It is a survival sandbox with crew management mechanics while its primary theme is life of German sailors. The boat is their home, but it can become their grave at any time.

Dear skippers, There is a new patch available for 2022.1. Changelog: [h3]Locales:[/h3] - Chinese localisation update by Alex Zheng, JM-LeiDao, 36 D, Xenon_Tennessee. - Portuguese localisation update by AlexShuma. - Japanese localisation update by Surumeika1987, Largo, [JP]AWPsan, 泥遊戯, Mononok Kori. - French localisation update by FvJ and Placebo. - Russian localisation update by Hard. - Italian localisation update by BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM. - Czech localisation update by Spid3rCZ. [h3]Missions:[/h3] - Increased frequency of missions with changing flotilla from Kiel to Wilhelmshaven. - Fix: The optional objective about staying undetected in Gibraltar passage assignment was always marked as a success, even when player was detected. - Fix: Wolfpacks are no longer commonly organized before May 1941. - Fix: It wasn't possible to perform Norwegian Campaign missions from Kiel. This fix requires a fresh start to function. If your game is affected, we suggest moving to Wilhelmshaven to finish this campaign. [h3]User interface:[/h3] - Fix: Clicking with a right mouse button on a green dot that points mission target in Gibraltar passage assignment wasn't plotting a route towards it. - Fix: Dialogue subtitles no longer appear in HQ view. - Fix: After receiving a reply from the command about resupply request, the notification about unread messages was appearing, even though the message was appearing on the screen right away. - Fix: The notification about unread messages wasn't appearing after loading a game state with unread messages. [h3]Graphics:[/h3] - Fix: Small lighting artifacts on Turm II. - Fix (regression of 2022.1 Patch 18): NPC ships could spawn without texture having a white hull. - Fix (regression of 2022.1 Patch 18): It was possible for two characters working near Enigmas in HQ to sit in the same place and overlap with each other. [h3]Modding:[/h3] - Fix: Neural Network Physics component should be now useable from the mod projects. [h3]General:[/h3] - Fix: The newly added setting about disabling torpedo salvo previews wasn't correctly saved into the game states. This meant that this setting was possible to change mid-campaign and the current state was shared by all campaigns. Yours, DWS