First Class Trouble is a party game where players must work together and against each other to survive a disaster. The goal is to shut down a deadly A.I. Some players are impostors, secretly playing as human-looking killer robots intent on betraying the other players.
We're sorry for the delay, but it's finally time to gear up and go have some fun!
SIIC has just stocked the ship up with what was originally going to be dubbed the "Passenger Shield". Initially designed to protect Residents who had a few too many when they inevitably fell over, the helmets seem to stop preventing fall injuries when CAIN goes rogue. Maybe you'll be able to find a use for them?
SIIC has also been working to expand on the options available for your custom cruises! We've brought the Technical team in this time, and with their help we've got two new offerings.
First up is "Anonymous Personoids". This cruise option will stop CAIN from communicating with Personoids to let them know who else is a Personoid. The goal of this offering is to help you feel like you've got more Residents alongside you on your journey, and feel less out of place while partying with a Personoid!
On top of that, the Technical Team has figured out a maintenance routine that has completely reduced the chance of any catastrophic events happening onboard. This is an extensive maintenance routine, though, so we're only offering this for Custom Experiences at this time!
We hope you enjoy these updates, and look forward to the ones we have planned in the future. As always, make sure you stay connected by [url=]joining our Discord[/url]. We love to hear your feedback and we're always keeping an eye out for any bugs you find, so make sure to post those in the right channels in Discord or [url=]share them with us on our feedback and bug report site[/url]!
Thanks for reading,
- The Invisible Walls Team
[*] [b]NEW FEATURE: Personal Defense Helmet[/b]
Block and knockback one attempt to be syringed by a Personoid.
[*] [b]Custom Game Parameter: Hidden Personoids[/b]
With this parameter Personoids no longer know who is on their side.
[*] [b]Custom Game Parameter: No catastrophe events[/b]
With this parameter activated you completely remove the random catastrophe event from appearing.
[*] When using the "Hidden Personoids" setting in custom games, Personoids are able to use text chat to reveal themselves to the other Personoids. This is planned to be fixed in a following patch.