If you don't sacrifice your neighbors, the world ends. Life Eater is a horror fantasy kidnapping simulator where you must become intimately familiar with your targets' lives one intrusive action at a time... and hope that the dark god you serve is even real.
Hello loyal servants of Zimforth! We have a quick patch for you as we approach the release of the Endless Mode coming next week. Today's update includes an expansion to how Watering the Flower functions, as well as several quality-of-life improvements.
[b]Life Eater Patch v1.2.4 Notes[/b]
[*] A setting has been added to toggle off the "TV Static" effect, which can improve recorded video sizes and streaming quality
[*] The specific organs required for each step of the Ritual are now different for each target
[*] The first step of the Ritual has been expanded to include an alternate organ
[*] Clicking standard revealed blocks will now zoom to focus on that block
[*] Many general UI tweaks and fixes