Update #2: Notifications and New Art

[img]http://www.secretgamescompany.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/RecentUpdates-NotificationsNewArt.png[/img] Our second update brings Steam notifications! We heard how people loved battling friends and wanted to make it easier to play asynchronously. If you opt in, when a friend challenges you or submits their orders, you get a notification in Steam (in messages menu). One click takes you straight into the battle so if you're quick they will see you enter (your flag turns yellow) and stick around to finish the battle then and there! We have added Linux support and made a number of improvements to the environment, polishing textures and adding new dynamic and particle elements. We've also updated the player name boards so as you earn higher titles they start to look grander and grander. We won't spoil the surprise completely but here's a taster - check out our full changelist below: [img]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/403430811325957097/925C2BECEE5CBFF04810EFE0C0472B0625553AD5/[/img] [b]Changelist[/b] - Steam notifications added for when you receive a challenge or your friend takes their turn - Linux support added - Improved name banner art for all ranks - Three new ranks added above King - Female versions of each title added - Improved terrain, trees, rocks and foliage - Dynamic elements added in environment - Improved order arrows for the selected unit - Player list presentation updated - Unit stats info updated in help section - Forfeited battles now counted in stats - Tilt shift bug fixed (now disabled on Lowest gfx) - Music turning on by itself bug fixed - Slider bugs fixed