Update 2.7.3.: Japanese localization & various fixes

Harvest Life

Show your mettle as both an aspiring organic farmer and a part-time adventurer. And then you might be in for a romantic happy ending.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/30958905/ec9bb0c7c1df6991450b123bb4b1b9d029a425fa.jpg[/img] Dear farmers, Our Japanese hobby farmers now have the opportunity to play the game in their native tongue. We hope this will increase the enjoyment of the game in the "Land of the Rising Sun" as well as inspire those who don't speak English so well. For everyone else we have made various improvements, such as: [b]Changelog 2.7.3[/b] - Enhanced & improved the tutorial - Japanese language [b]Bugs[/b] - Stock all now stocks the additional slot, too - Game no longer shuts down when over-filling a chest with multiple items at the same time - Shop and smithery now properly shows the correct costs for all items - Animation fixes - Sprinkler no longer turns when deactivated - Weekday-display sometimes didn't show up properly